本文摘要:The Falcon Heavy rose from the same launch pad used by NASA nearly 50 years ago to send men to the moon - accompanied to the sounds of David Bowies Space Oddity.50年前,肯尼迪航空中心升空的火箭首次将人类送上了月球,今天它又将“重型猎鹰”,送上了太空。 The Falcon Heavy rose from the same launch pad used by NASA nearly 50 years ago to send men to the moon - accompanied to the sounds of David Bowies Space Oddity.50年前,肯尼迪航空中心升空的火箭首次将人类送上了月球,今天它又将“重型猎鹰”,送上了太空。“重型猎鹰”的首次飞行中将配备马斯克的一辆红色特斯拉Roadster跑车,车上还不会播出1969年戴维·鲍伊的经典歌曲《太空怪人》。With liftoff, the 60m Heavy became the most powerful rocket in use today, doubling the liftoff punch of its closest competitor.随着猎鹰重型火箭发射成功,这个价值6千万欧元的大家伙现沦为美国最弱的火箭,它的运力是其竞争对手的两倍。 The three boosters and 27 engines roared to life at Kennedy Space Center, as thousands jammed surrounding beaches, bridges and roads to watch the rocket soar into space.它还包括三个助推器和27个引擎,上千人城外在肯尼迪航天中心附近的海滩、桥梁以及公路上观赏了这场升空。Musk told reporters the company had done all it could to maximise success and he was at peace with whatever happens: success, one big boom or some other calamity.SpaceX首席执行官马斯克告诉他记者,公司早已做到了仅次于希望来确保这次升空的顺利,因此他对于“顺利升空”、“发生爆炸”及其他有可能经常出现的事件都会坦诚拒绝接受并处置。The longer the flight, he noted, the more the company would learn.他说道,飞行中时间就越宽,获得的经验也就越少。 Tonights launch attracted huge crowds not seen since NASAs last space shuttle flight seven years ago.本次升空更有了大量人群参观,7年来这还是首次。Not counting Apollo moon buggies, the Roadster is the first automobile to speed right off the planet.远比阿波罗登月车,特斯拉将是第一部在地球外的星球飞驰的汽车。 本文来源:beat·