本文摘要:Moscow on Tuesday lifted a ban on the Russian-language version of Wikipedia less than a day after imposing it.俄罗斯官方周二中止了将近一天前实施的针对俄文版维基百科(Wikipedia)的禁令。 Moscow on Tuesday lifted a ban on the Russian-language version of Wikipedia less than a day after imposing it.俄罗斯官方周二中止了将近一天前实施的针对俄文版维基百科(Wikipedia)的禁令。Internet regulator Roskomnadzor said an article about Charas, a form of hashish, ruled illegal by a local court in June, had now been sufficiently edited on Russian Wikipedia to put the online encyclopedia in compliance with the ruling.互联网监管机构——联邦电信、信息技术和大众传媒监督局(Roskomnadzor)回应,俄文版维基百科上关于Charas(某种形式的印度大麻脂,6月份被俄罗斯一家法院裁决为非法)的条目已获得充份编辑,这个在线百科全书网站遵从了法院判决。The webpage has therefore been excluded from its internet blacklist, it added.该机构称之为,涉及网页因此已被去除出有其互联网黑名单。 Several Russian internet service providers started blocking access to the Russian-language Wikipedia site after the regulator added it to its registry of forbidden information on Monday.该监管机构周一将俄文版维基百科列为删除网站的名单后,俄罗斯几家互联网服务提供商开始屏蔽这个网站。Internet users in some Russian regions saw a notice from the registry instead of the Wikipedia page when trying to access it.俄罗斯某些地区的互联网用户在企图采访该网站的时候,不会看见删除网站注册机构的一份通报。 Wikipedia said the outlawing of some information triggered a blacklisting of the entire service because the website uses the secure protocol HTTPS which prevents the filtering and censoring of its content from the outside.维基百科回应,某些信息被列入非法,害整个服务被列为黑名单,因为该网站用于HTTPS加密协议,使第三方无法从外部过滤器和审查网站内容。Russian Wikipedia said the entry in question had already been edited to rely only on public scientific and UN sources before Monday’s ban.俄文版维基百科回应,在周一遭遇删除之前,涉及条目早已过编辑,几乎使用了公开发表科学和联合国资料来源。The lifting of the ban defuses what threatened to become the most serious fallout yet from growing Russian internet censorship on global internet services. So far, stricter internet regulations introduced over the past three years have mainly hit Russia’s online media.中止禁令消弭了俄罗斯对全球互联网服务大大增强审查本来有可能产生的最严重后果。 到目前为止,过去三年更加严苛的互联网法规主要压制了俄罗斯的在线媒体。However, the shortlived ban demonstrated to a larger audience the impact stricter internet control rules introduced in early 2014 can have. Since then, the authorities have had the power to blacklist websites without a court order.然而,这一一段时间的禁令向世人展出了2014年年初实施的更加严苛互联网掌控规则有可能产生的冲击。自那以来,当局有权在没法庭命令许可的情况下将网站列为黑名单。Following these legal changes, the list of web pages blocked in Russia on orders of the prosecutor-general has quickly grown. Information on drugs tops the list of reasons given for blocking orders, but charges of extremism and threats to state security are also common.法律变化揭晓后,根据俄罗斯总检察长的命令被封的网页列表很快逆宽。 删除名单上得出的最少见理由是所含有关毒品的信息,但极端主义和威胁国家安全性的罪名也很少见。 本文来源:beat·