本文摘要:The driver of a Tesla Motors car, which hit another vehicle in China while using the Autopilot function, has accused the company of overselling the capabilities of the technology.驾驶员特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)所产车辆的一名司机,指控该公司对其自动驾驶(Autopilot)技术的能力宣传过度。 The driver of a Tesla Motors car, which hit another vehicle in China while using the Autopilot function, has accused the company of overselling the capabilities of the technology.驾驶员特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)所产车辆的一名司机,指控该公司对其自动驾驶(Autopilot)技术的能力宣传过度。这名司机在中国用于自动驾驶功能的时候撞上了另一辆车。Lou Zhen was unharmed when his Tesla Model S collided with an illegally parked Volkswagen car on a motorway in Beijing last week. In a post online, the 33-year-old programmer admitted he was not paying attention and did not have his hands on the wheel — something that Tesla instructs its drivers to do when using the driverless mode.这位名为娄震(Lou Zhen,音译)的司机在事故中未伤势。 上周,他驾驶员的特斯拉S型(Tesla Model S)在北京一条快车道上,撞上了非法停站的一辆大众(Volkswagen)汽车。在一个网帖中,这位33岁的程序员否认他未留意道路状况,也没夹住放到方向盘上——这是特斯拉命令其驾驶员在用于无人驾驶模式时应当采行的作法。But Mr Lou also claimed that consumers were not told of the limitations of the technology “when buying the car”.不过,娄先生也声称,消费者“在买车时”并未被告知这种技术的局限。The case will ignite further debate around the company’s promotion of its driverless technology, which has come under scrutiny following a fatal crash in Florida this year.这起个案将点燃环绕特斯拉对其无人驾驶技术点评的更进一步辩论。 在今年佛罗里达州再次发生一起可怕事故之后,这种技术受到森严注目。In most countries, Tesla promotes its driver assistance as Autopilot, a similar term used in aircraft when they fly themselves. In reality, the technology tracks other vehicles on the road and monitors lane lines, taking control of steering and braking.在多数国家,特斯拉都将其驾驶员助理促销为自动驾驶,这个词本来用作叙述飞机的自动飞行中状态。 在现实中,该技术不会追踪路上的其他车辆并监控各车道,掌控方向盘和刹车。Drivers are told to have their hands on the wheel and to be able to take control at any time. In China, Tesla markets the technology as zidong jiashi, a term most commonly translated as Autopilot.司机们被告诉,要夹住放到方向盘上,以便随时接掌掌控。 在中国,特斯拉将这项技术作为“自动驾驶”来展开推展,这是Autopilot最少见的翻译成。While it may be weaker than the Chinese term for self-driving, which is wuren jiashi, there is room for misunderstanding among Chinese consumers, according to Zhong Shi, an independent automotive analyst in Beijing. “China’s way of referring to these technologies is a big problem. Though a similar risk exists for the term Autopilot in the west, Chinese consumers are less likely to read the instruction manual,” he said.北京的独立国家汽车分析师钟师回应,尽管“自动驾驶”听得一起有可能比“无人驾驶”很弱一些,但中国消费者仍有可能产生误解。“中国阐释这些技术的方式是一个大问题。 虽然Autopilot这个词在西方也不存在类似于的风险,但中国消费者读者说明书的可能性更加较低,”他说道。Tesla maintains that it makes clear to all Tesla owners that the Autopilot technologies are not fully developed and that the driver has to be ready to retake control at all times. Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder and chief executive, has also defended the technology, saying it leads to safer roads and fewer deaths.特斯拉否认,它具体对所有特斯拉车主指出,Autopilot技术还不几乎成熟期,司机必需随时打算新的掌控汽车。 特斯拉创始人和首席执行官埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)也为这项技术申辩,称该技术让道路更为安全性,增加了丧命事故。 本文来源:beat·